WebGL Opti

Move forward with optimizing 3d models for web browsers

Merge your geometries into a single mesh

WebGL Opti will merge all your geometries into a single mesh. This will reduce the number of draw calls and improve rendering performance.

Simplify the 3D model structure

WebGL Opti will simplify the 3D model structure. This will reduce size of the file and improve loading performance. WebGL Opti can :

  • remove groups to reduce the number of nodes
  • remove attributes from geometry (like UVs or normals) if they are not needed
  • search identical geometry or materials and replac them with a single instance

Export your model as a three.js code.

WebGL Opti will export your model as three.js code So you can easily manage the model from within the code. You can export the model to either javascript or typescript


CostFreeYou need free account2$ / month
Fix a lot of issues
Export as gltf or glb
Export as three js04 / weekUnlimited
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